Why men CANT take horn

Why men CANT take horn

We live in a day and age where men are still of the opinion that a woman’s main goal in life is to settle down, be loyal and committed to a man (whether he deserves it or not) and have a family. While it may be one of a woman’s goals to, at some point, get married, women have been steadily evolving over the past decade and education and success have taken precedence over everything else. Men being men are still stuck with the unfledged mentality that they, with their many imbecilic reasons, should be allowed to live their unfaithful lifestyles without consequence. However, give these men a taste of their own medicine and they would swear they have known no pain or betrayal greater.

Men love that ‘New Cyat Smell’. One whiff and they lose all ability to have restraint or remain loyal but only let a man find out that someone else whiffing his ‘cyat’ and getting the same high, he WILL lose his mind in an instant. Men cant bear the thought of another man sinking his face in his sauce and getting that fresh, new feeling, the one he once had for his girl many moons ago.

Once a man gets comfortable, he is of the belief that his woman would be around forever, shamelessly taking his ill-treatment and infidelity. So he responds to every pretty pussy that purrs at him, confident that his house cat isn’t going anywhere. Its such a blow to a man’s ego to know his pretty house cat has been around town purring at others as well.

Getting horn demolishes a man ego beause it means that the woman was smart enough to play him like a man. Men think they are the brightest creatures living because they can run game on women and not be caught therefore they cannot fathom when a woman proves to be just as smart by turning the tables on them.

Apart from having a woman beat him at his own game, he sits and ponders on why she would have possibly cheated. Is it that his sex game is lame and she wasnt satisfied? As these thoughts of sexual incompetence fill his mind, his ego along with his penis shrivels into a near state of non-existence.

After having his ego annihilated, he now has to face the general public as a hornee. While a woman’s friends will support her and wipe her tears, a man’s friends will probably laugh at his shortcomings (no pun intended) which provides him with further humiliation. He then has to laugh it off and play macho douchebag for his friends then go home, nurse a devastated ego and rock his crying self to sleep.

Men simply cannt take horn and it all comes down to ego. No other man is to touch a mans food. A woman is not supposed to be smart enough to horn a man. She is supposed to stick with him through the good and bad, no matter how bad. She is supposed to accept his shitty sex as well all in the name of keeping his pride in tact.